lunedì 25 dicembre 2017

CoinPot e i migliori faucet paganti

Il mondo delle criptovalute è interessante ma complesso all’inizio. Raccogliere gratis piccole quantità di Bitcoin, Litecoin e altre Altcoin è un buon metodo per iniziare a capire come funzionano le criptovalute.

I faucet sono dei “rubinetti” di criptovalute. Ci sono siti, generalmente pieni di link pubblicitari, che ti permettono di guadagnare piccole somme di bitcoin e altcoin semplicemente superando i captcha per il riconoscimento (e l’esclusione) di eventuali bot. Molti faucet sono solo una perdita di tempo, perché non pagano o erogano quantitativi troppo piccoli di criptovalute. Dopo mesi di test ho scelto alcuni Faucet dove ha senso investire un po’ del proprio tempo.

Aggiornamento - Fai clic qui -> Nuovo faucet molto redditizio e sicuro, BTC-Clicks, per guadagnare Bitcoin facendo semplicemente clic sugli annunci (Ads)
Prima di tutto il mio consiglio è quello di registrarvi nei due migliori microwallet per faucet, CoinPot e FaucetHub per ottimizzare e tenere al sicuro i vostri guadagni.


I siti che elenco qui sono più semplici e sicuri perché convergono su un unico microwallet, CoinPot, un portafoglio multivaluta che non prevede nessun costo per trasferire le monete sul tuo portafoglio personale.

Si possono così accumulare Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin cash e Dash. È possibile anche minare tutte queste monete utilizzando passivamente la CPU del vostro computer alla velocità che si preferisce (per evitare di rallentare troppo gli altri processi).

In questo momento ci sono cinque faucet collegati a CoinPot:

BIT FUNil miglior faucet CoinPot per bitcoin. Claim ogni 3 minuti!

Moon Bitcoinsemplicissimo faucet per guadagnare bitcoin ogni 5 minuti. Consigliato fare claim ogni 30 minuti, ma si accumulano in ogni caso, anche se a una velocità inversamente proporzionale al tempo che passa fra un claim e l’altro.

Moon Dogecoinsemplicissimo faucet per guadagnare dogecoin ogni 5 minuti con lo stesso meccanismo di Moon Bitcoin.

Moon Litecoinfaucet sempre della famiglia Moon ma per Litecoin

Moon Dashcoinaltro faucet della famiglia Moon ma per Dashcoin

Moon Bitcoin Cashaltro faucet della famiglia Moon ma per Bitcoin Cash

Bonus Bitcoinfaucet per guadagnare gratuitamente bitcoin. Potete richiedere satoshi ogni 15 minuti.


Molti Faucet sono collegati a FaucetHub, un altro microwallet molto affidabile.

Iscrivetevi prima di iniziare a utilizzare i Faucet seguenti.

Consiglio anche questi quattro multifaucet, paganti sempre su FaucetHub, veloci, captcha facili e a claim variabile da 5 a 10 minuti. Li uso da un bel po’ e sono fatti bene (niente pubblicità eccessiva, nessun limite da raggiungere per il ritiro su FaucetHub).

Lista dei faucet non connessi a microwallet. 
Dogecoin4freeSwissAdsPaysFaucet e MulticoinFaucet in particolare hanno un CAPTCHA semplicissimo e un’ottima interfaccia, con lotterie giornaliere e settimanali.


MulticoinFaucet (per ETH e BTC)

Coinfaucet (faucet Ripple)

Qoinpro è un wallet che regala automaticamente qualche coin giornalmente. Le valute supportate sono moltissime ed è sempre il primo nei fork di Bitcoin:

E infine HashFlare, il miglior servizio per Cloud Mining

Contattatemi se avete dubbi o avete bisogno di altre informazioni.

Ad astra per aspera.

AnsMDr Cryptocare (@AnsMdrCrypto)

Ethereum: 0xD0f8F8bd485a0214C16178A3c50A1ef64a14FEc7
Bitcoin: 174XMK4qJg6HD9tGLj1fyaLitSQGqCNUSu

CoinPot and the best paying faucets

The world of cryptocurrencies is interesting but complex at the beginning. Collecting free small amounts of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other Altcoins is a good way to start understanding how cryptocurrencies work.

Faucets are wesites, generally full of advertising links, which allow you to earn small amounts of Bitcoin and Altcoin just by solving the captcha for the recognition (and exclusion) of any bots. Many faucets are just a waste of time because they do not pay or dispense too small amounts of cryptocurrencies. The sites listed here are simpler and more secure because they converge on a single microwallet, CoinPot, a multi-currency wallet that does not provide any cost to transfer coins to your personal wallet.

You can thus accumulate Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, BitcoinCash and Dash. You can also mine all these coins by passively using your computer’s CPU at the speed you prefer.

At this time there are six faucets connected to CoinPot:

BIT FUNthe best CoinPot faucet for Bitcoin. Claim every 3 minutes!

Moon Bitcoin a simple faucet to gain bitcoin every 5 minutes (recommended to claim every 30 minutes)

Moon Dogecoin another faucet of the Moon family to earn Dogecoin every 5 minutes (here too I advise you to claim every 30 minutes)

Moon Litecoin— another faucet of the Moon family to earn Litecoin every 5 minutes (here too I advise you to claim every 30 minutes)

Moon Dashcoinanother faucet of the Moon family to earn DASH every 5 minutes (here too I advise you to claim every 30 minutes)

Moon Bitcoin Cashanother faucet of the Moon family to earn Bitcoin Cash every 5 minutes (here too I advise you to claim every 30 minutes)

Bonus Bitcoin faucet to get some Bitcoin for free. You can request around 30 Satoshi every 15 minutes.

Here another list of paying faucets I filtered in several months of testing.

Lots of this faucets will linked to FaucetHub, an other very reliable microwallet. Sign up before start to use the following faucet.

FaucetHubBitcoin Micropayment Service

Here the list

I also recommend these four multifaucets, paying on FaucetHub, fast, easy captcha and a variable claim from 5 to 10 minutes. I use them for quite a while and are well done (no excessive publicity, no limit to be reached for the withdrawal on FaucetHub):

Faucets not linked to any 
Dogecoin4freeSwissAdsPaysFaucet and MulticoinFaucet in particular have very simple CAPTCHAs and excellent interface, with daily and weekly lotteries.

Qoinpro is a wallet which automatically gives some coins daily. The currencies supported are very many and it’s always the first when Bitcoin forks:

At last HashFlare, one of the best Cloud Mining service:

Ok, with faucets you don’t earn so much, but it’s worth, because you earn cryptocoins whose value could multiply in the coming years!

Contact me for any further information!

Ad astra per aspera.

AnsMDr Cryptocare (@AnsMdrCrypto)

Don’t miss an airdrop anymore!

During my first experience with cryptocurrencies, when for the first time I found in my Ethereum wallet a new coin, I wondered if there had been an error in the system… I still did not know what airdrops are and how to exploit their potential.

Airdrops are a free tokens distribution, made to advertise a product or a company. Generally that’s a small amount of tokens that are distributed before the ICO. In some cases the tokens are distributed to all Ether or other cryptocurrencies holders, but in most cases you need to know the company and actively participate by filling out a form of interest, after demonstrating to follow the project.

It’s very easy. Generally you have to put you email address, your Twitter, Facebook and Bitcointalk account, sometimes a link with your retweet of the company post and finally your Ethereum address. Actually every airdrop have its rules, but in every case the form is clear and simple.

But the world of airdrops is huge and difficult to follow. Then one day I discovered and since then I do not let any airdrop escape. The site is the mediator between those who propose an airdrop and the user. They share an average of 1–2 airdrops per day.

In a few months I accumulated hundreds of dollars in tokens that I have not purchased, only by participating in the countless airdrops that airdropalert.comproposes to its users through the site, the telegram channel ( and the newsletter.

Some of the tokens distributed in airdrop also have a very solid project behind. I read their whitepaper and I found the project so convincing that I then bought some more during the ICO.

I believe that offers a very useful service and that it is worth keeping it in consideration to always be informed about the latest news in the cryptomarket.

Don’t miss an airdrops anymore!

Do you want to earn cryptocurrencies easily with Faucet? Read here.

Ad astra per aspera.

AnsMDr Cryptocare (@AnsMdrCrypto)